13 December 2011
World Bank’s IEG Releases Evaluation Approach for Forests Strategy
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The evaluation, “Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development," will focus on the three objectives outlined in the Bank's 2002 Forests Strategy by asking how relevant, effective and sustainable the Bank's interventions have been in: reducing poverty in forest areas; enhancing the forest sector's contribution to economic growth; and protecting the forests' local and global environmental services.

World Bank12 December 2011: The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group has outlined its approach to evaluating the Bank’s support for member countries and the private sector as they balance competing demands on forest resources and manage them for sustainable development.

The evaluation, “Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development,” will focus on the three objectives outlined in the Bank’s 2002 Forests Strategy by asking how relevant, effective and sustainable the Bank’s interventions have been in: reducing poverty in forest areas; enhancing the forest sector’s contribution to economic growth; and protecting the forests’ local and global environmental services. The IEG team’s methods include literature, portfolio and desk reviews, interviews with key informants, field visits and local consultations, and website and internet discussion forums.

The conceptual framework of the approach will cover all types of interventions by the Bank, including national level governance, institutional issues and policies, support at the community level for rights and livelihoods, support for sustainable commercial production at different scales, and instruments for environmental services. [Publication: Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Experience (Approach Paper)]

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