11 April 2012
World Bank Publishes Brief on Climate-Proofing Development Programmes
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The World Bank has published a six-page brief highlighting its contributions to mainstream climate change into development policies, in particular as part of country assistance strategies and World Bank projects in developing countries.

World BankApril 2012: The World Bank has published a six-page brief detailing the Bank’s contribution to achieving synergies between development finance and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The brief explains that all of the 17 country assistance and partnership strategies prepared in Fiscal Year 2011 address climate change. It also showcases results achieved in projects related to: forestry, which help sequester carbon and increase resilience; “climate smart” agriculture, where the focus is on a triple-win – carbon sequestration, food security and climate resilient livelihoods; and water efficiency measures in urban municipalities that reduce water and energy consumption and emissions from water pumping and distribution.

Results of projects dealing with sustainable energy, energy efficiency and renewables in Latin America, Africa and Asia are also presented. The brief further highlights efforts undertaken to strengthen operational links between climate change and disaster risk management, as well as partnerships with other UN programmes and organizations for climate action. [Publication: Development and Climate Action] [Climate Change Sector Results Profile]