World Bank6 February 2015: Climate change will have harsh effects on the world’s poorest, the World Bank emphasizes in an article, titled ‘Climate Change Complicates Efforts to End Poverty.’ The article discusses the interlinkages between ending extreme poverty and addressing climate change and suggests policy interventions on both issues.

“Climate change represents a direct and immediate threat to poverty alleviation,” said Marianne Fay, Chief Economist for Climate Change at the World Bank. “It’s important that we bring the climate and poverty communities together to design interventions that are effective for both.” According to the article, World Bank poverty and climate experts are developing recommendations and policy guidance for countries on the relationship between the two issues.

The article identifies four issues of key importance at the intersection of climate and poverty alleviation. First, it reports that climate change is an obstacle for eradicating extreme poverty, as the poor are already the most at risk from changing climates. Second, climate policies will help the poor in both the short and long terms, especially when accompanied by social policies, according to the article.

Third, it recommends the creation of social safety nets that are flexible enough to help people before they fall into poverty, in order to reduce the impacts of climate change. Finally, the article states that there is currently a window of opportunity for reducing poverty and preventing climate change. As climate change worsens, however, it cautions that it will become more difficult to eradicate poverty.

The World Bank has numerous research and development projects aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change while eradicating poverty. [Publication: Climate Change Complicates Efforts to End Poverty]



