WorldbanklogoNovember 2014: The World Bank Group has reported on a framework for implementing the post-2015 development agenda at the country level. The framework is intended to evaluate implementation challenges in diverse national circumstances, and will be applied to ten countries in a series of case studies.

In its October 2014 report, written by Susanna Gable, Hans Lofgren and Israel Osorio‐Rodarte of the Development Prospects Group, the Bank outlines four steps for applying the framework at country level, using Uganda as a case study. The four steps include: benchmarking the current level of progress for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), relative to other countries; projecting the business as usual (BAU) country outcomes by 2030 for each SDG; evaluating the current policies in place related to each SDG, and discussing room for improvement; and discussing ways to increasing the spending and funding related to each SDG priority area.

By evaluating this framework against the national-level circumstances in Uganda, the report finds that BAU performance in the country would not meet the proposed SDGs by 2030. It highlights key areas in which the country could make strong progress (poverty eradication, education, health, and infrastructure development), and the needed policy and spending adjustments necessary for growth. The report also proposes a preferred mix of financing options to reach the development goals and targets that is specific to Uganda.

Following Uganda, the World Bank is currently looking to apply the framework to nine more countries at various levels of income: Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Senegal and Yemen. [Publication: The Post-2015 Global Agenda: A Framework for Country Diagnostics] [Publication: MDGs and Beyond, Issue 15, November 2014]