30 August 2019: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Strategic Plan 2011-2020 lays out 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets, which were set for achievement by 2020. Given the approaching deadline, the 14th meeting of the CBD Conference of the Parties (COP 14) established an Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The Working Group is charged with updating the Strategic Plan and developing a new post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

The first meeting of the Working Group convened from 27-30 August 2019, in Nairobi, Kenya, to deliberate on the structure of the Global Biodiversity Framework and the future work of the Working Group. The meeting ended with the adoption of conclusions of the meeting, as compiled by Co-Chairs Francis Ogwal (Uganda) and Basile van Havre (Canada), and a Report of the Meeting, which reflects decisions made by the Working Group.

As reported by the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, the Group agreed, inter alia:

  • on a non-paper on possible elements of the Global Biodiversity Framework;
  • on the preliminary list of meetings, consultations, and workshops for the development of Global Biodiversity Framework;
  • on the dates of and venue of the second and third meetings of the Working Group, to be held in February 2020 in China and in July 2020 in Colombia;
  • that submissions on the structure of the Global Biodiversity Framework should be submitted to the Executive Secretary by 15 September 2019;
  • that a zero draft text of Global Biodiversity Framework should be provided six weeks before the second meeting of the Working Group; and
  • that a detailed workplan should be prepared by Co-Chairs and the Executive Secretary, and presented at the informal briefing of the Co-Chairs on 24 November 2019 during the meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA).

The Working Group also agreed to request SBSTTA to provide guidance on specific goals, targets, indicators, baselines, and monitoring frameworks related to the drivers of biodiversity loss for achieving transformative change, within the scope of the three objectives of the convention. [Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of Working Group]





