2 March 2012
Water, Energy, Food Security Nexus Conference Publishes Policy Recommendations
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Conference organizers have published a conference synopsis and policy recommendations aimed to feed into the Rio+20 process.

The policy recommendations document states that “achieving water, energy and food security, and consequently reducing hunger and eradicating poverty, is a central future challenge that is possible even under difficult and challenging global economic conditions.”

29 February 2012: The results of the “Bonn2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for a Green Economy” have been published in the form of a conference synopsis and set of policy recommendations.

The conference, which took place from 16-18 November 2011, in Bonn, Germany, was attended by over 500 participants and was organized to facilitate the creation of a specific German contribution to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The policy recommendations document is noted to have been the result of a broad participatory stakeholder process and states that “achieving water, energy and food security, and consequently reducing hunger and eradicating poverty, is a central future challenge that is possible even under difficult and challenging global economic conditions.” The document focuses on developing a “nexus approach” that stresses: policy and action coherence between water, energy and agricultural policymaking and sectors; accelerating access to energy, sanitation and food; increasing resource efficiency; valuing natural infrastructure; and mobilizing consumer influence. It concludes with messages on taking action and assigning specific responsibilities to national governments and parliamentarians, international and development organizations, local authorities and utilities, business and the private sector, financiers, and civil society.

The conference synopsis document: summarizes conference high-level speaker highlights; examines a variety of issues discussed at the conference, such as understanding the nexus, interactions among sectors, coordinating efforts, climate change, bioenergy, water and hygiene, energy efficiency, and urbanization; and provides case studies of the “nexus approach” in action, including one on “India: Nexus leads to annual 9.6% GDP growth” and another titled “New seawater greenhouse technology replenishes irrigation.”

The Conference was hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the World Economic Forum and WWF as strategic partners. [Conference Website] [Conference Synopsis] [Policy Recommendations]

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