15 November 2012: The UN University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) has published a policy brief titled “Securing the Future of Mangroves.” The brief is based on the World Atlas of Mangroves and describes both the current status of mangroves, including their economic value, as well as threats to mangrove ecosystems and considerations for good management practices.

The brief states that although mangrove ecosystems are rare, accounting for less than 0.4% of the worlds’ forest cover, they deliver significant economic and ecological benefits. It highlights the continuing and escalating threats to mangrove forests, especially as a result of agricultural conversion.

In order to ensure the sustainable management of mangroves, the brief presents a number of policy recommendations emphasizing the importance of appropriate legal and policy frameworks, including appropriate incentive frameworks and adequate cost-benefit analysis. The brief also highlights the importance of fully integrating mangroves into climate change mitigation and adaptation plans, such as through payments from carbon markets, and through the recognition of the role of mangrove ecosystems in reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience.

The brief further underscores the importance of mangroves in addressing poverty alleviation and promoting food security and calls for the integrated management of mangroves and biodiversity to be mainstreamed within plans and actions towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). [Publication: UNU-INWEH: Securing the Future of Mangroves]