UNOSD15 October 2013: The UN Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) has launched a research study of how countries can develop models and indicators to measure their own progress in the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. The first stage of the study is a scoping exercise and consultation, taking place from 10-11 December 2013, followed by preparation of a draft report and multi-stakeholder consultations.

The ‘Study on Measuring Sustainability in 3 Dimensions: Society, Economy and Environment (SEE)’ is undertaken in follow-up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), which recognized the importance of evaluating sustainable development policies, and recommended that progress toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) be assessed through targets and indicators, while taking into account national circumstances, capacities and levels of development.

According to the draft concept note, the study aims to support the development of quantitative tools and measures to evaluate progress toward targets contained in national sustainable development strategies. The research project will: compile existing tools and methods of measuring sustainable development; develop an integrated assessment framework with relevant models and indicators; and strengthen the capacity of developing countries to monitor and assess their own progress. UNOSD will also use the study content in training courses for government officials.

UNOSD, located in Incheon, Republic of Korea, is supported by the Government of the Republic of Korea, Yonsei University and the City of Incheon, and is managed by the Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). [UNOSD Website for Study] [Draft Concept Note]