se4all_unido_teri_ipp7 April 2015: A collaborative platform aimed at doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements in the industrial sector worldwide was launched by the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Institute for Industrial Productivity (IIP) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). The initiative is part of the UN Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform, which supports the SE4ALL aim of doubling the global rate of gains in energy efficiency by 2030.

Launched on 7 April in Vienna, Austria, the Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform will: support energy efficiency policy development; build capacity for the adoption of energy management systems; develop financing solutions; share knowledge; and help remove barriers to energy efficiency improvements in the sector. The platform will work through a collaborative multi-stakeholder network and will seek commitments from both governments and industry.

The Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform is the sixth sectoral initiative launched under the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform, which supports the SE4ALL energy efficiency goal by “driving action and commitments by national and sub-national leaders at the country, city, state, region or sector level,” including through ‘Integrated Policy and Investment Roadmaps’ and a global network of experts, institutions and businesses. [UNIDO Press Release] [Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform Brochure] [IISD RS Stories on the Platform]



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