8 November 2011: The UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) Third Committee, which is responsible for human rights and other social, humanitarian and cultural issues, considered two draft resolutions addressing sustainable development. One of the drafts was adopted during the meeting.

The first draft text, on “the universal, indivisible, interrelated, interdependent and mutually reinforcing nature of all human rights and fundamental freedoms” (A/C.3/66/L.31), was presented by Brazil, India and South Africa. According to South Africa, the text highlights the interdependent nature of all human rights, recognizing that civil and political freedom, as well as freedom from fear and want can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone can enjoy civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Good governance and the rule of law, the text notes, are essential for sustained economic growth, sustainable development and the eradication of poverty and hunger.

The second draft text, on policies and programmes involving youth (A/C.3/66/L.7/Rev.1), is sponsored by Moldova, Portugal and Senegal. Approved with oral revisions during the meeting, the draft expresses deep concern that the attainment of the social development objectives may be hindered by the multiple and interrelated crises, including the ongoing impact of the financial and economic crisis, volatile energy and food prices, and ongoing concerns over food security. Affirming that investment in youth development and education is crucial for sustainable, social and economic development, the draft would have the UNGA urge States to specifically address youth development in their economic and financial recovery measures by emphasizing youth employment and promoting entrepreneurship, volunteerism, and the development of formal, informal and non-formal educational and training systems. [UN Summary of Meeting] [Draft Resolution on Youth]