UNGA 2nd Committee - Economic and Financial16 June 2016: Co-facilitators Lois Young, Permanent Representative of Belize, and Ib Petersen, Permanent Representative of Denmark, announced that a silence procedure for the “final draft resolution” on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the global level had been broken by a Member State on 9 June 2016, and that ensuing consultations with UN Member States did not result in a consensual solution. Consequently, UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Mogens Lykketoft said he will reach out to the concerned parties.

The co-facilitators also transmit the 6 June 2019 version of the draft resolution to the UNGA President, which they believe “enjoys the widest possible support from Member States.” They note that during the consultations that followed the break of the silence procedure, “a majority” of UN Member States reiterated their acceptance of this final draft resolution and the importance of adopting it in order to have clarity on the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for the coming years. However, despite “intensive consultations” on the “single remaining concern” with Member States and with the particular Member State who broke silence, a solution “remains elusive,” the letter says.

In an accompanying letter, the UNGA President notes his intention to “bring this matter to a close” by the middle of the week of 20 June 2016.

The 6 June text was produced through a series of informal and informal-informal consultations with Member States and other stakeholders in April, May and June 2016. According to UNGA resolution A/RES/70/1, the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) under the auspices of the UNGA and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) will have “the central role in overseeing follow-up and review” of the 2030 Agenda at the global level. The next session of the HLPF will take place from 11-20 June 2016. [Co-Facilitators’ Letter, UNGA President’s Letter, Final Draft Resolution] [Co-Facilitators’ Letter on Break of Silence, 9 June] [IISD RS Story on Silence Procedure]