29 April 2014
UNFCCC Reports on NWP Implementation
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The UNFCCC Secretariat published a report on progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP) (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/INF.7) since the 39th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 39).

UNFCCC28 April 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat published a report on progress made in implementing activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP) (FCCC/SBSTA/2014/INF.7) since the 39th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 39).

The report describes continued engagement of all NWP partner organizations, which now amount to 285, including parties, institutions, experts, communities of practice and the private sector. It highlights examples of collaborative activities between NWP partner organizations currently being undertaken. The report indicates that, as of 10 April, 181 Action Pledges (targeted adaptation actions that partner organizations undertake in response to knowledge needs and gaps identified by the NWP) had been made.

The report also describes the development and dissemination of information and knowledge, and sharing of and learning from adaptation experiences, including through: a meeting on the available tools for using indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, the needs of local and indigenous communities, and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation; the seventh NWP Focal Point Forum; a database of action pledges and partner organizations; and a NWP programme eUpdate.

The report also outlines next steps, including that: the Secretariat continue engaging and collaborating with partner organizations, adaptation practitioners and experts, including regional centers and networks, in improving the development, dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge to better inform adaptation planning and action at all levels; parties and partner organizations submit to the Secretariat, by 20 August, information on good practices in, and lessons learned from, national adaptation planning; and this information be compiled and made available at SBSTA 41.

An annex to the report identifies NWP partner organization by regional focus, climate hazard, scope of activities and sector. [Publication: Progress Report on NWP Implementation]

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