23 September 2015
UNFCCC Reports on 3rd Dialogue on Education and Training
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The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a summary report (FCCC/SBI/2015/15) of the 3rd Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention (education and training), held during the 42nd session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), from 2-3 June 2015.

The Dialogue was attended by representatives of governments, and of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as by experts, practitioners and stakeholders.

Participants shared experiences and exchanged ideas, best practices and lessons learned regarding climate change education and training, and related international cooperation.

UNFCCC21 September 2015: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a summary report (FCCC/SBI/2015/15) of the 3rd Dialogue on Article 6 of the Convention (education and training), held during the 42nd session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), from 2-3 June 2015. The Dialogue was attended by representatives of governments, and of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as by experts, practitioners and stakeholders. Participants shared experiences and exchanged ideas, best practices and lessons learned regarding climate change education and training, and related international cooperation.

In welcoming remarks, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres highlighted the importance of educating and training students about climate change and the need to incorporate climate change into school curriculum. She emphasized retraining the labor force for climate-friendly jobs, and urged, especially youth, to come up with a better name to describe Article 6. By the end of SBI 42, the name of Article 6 had been changed to ‘Action for Climate Empowerment.’

During the Dialogue, special addresses were made on: how to promote challenging truths to unwilling audiences; and advancing climate change education through the ‘Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (GAP),’ which aims to advance policy, transform learning and training environments, build the capacity of educators and trainers, empower and mobilize youth, and accelerate sustainable solutions at the local level.

During the session on climate change education, speakers discussed: education and communication as a means for implementing adaptation and mitigation actions; and climate change education policy currently being addressed through the GAP, which includes formal, informal and non-formal education, and through the larger sustainable development agenda. Participants then met in working groups to discuss: policies, strategies and long-term approaches for climate change education; fostering societal transformation and behavioral change through non-formal and informal education; developing educational materials and using information and communication technologies (ICTs); strengthening the implementation, monitoring and reporting of climate change education; and scaling up climate change education through international cooperation.

Regarding the session on climate change training, speakers noted that net employment gains are realized as a result of climate and low-carbon development policies, which are designed to: stimulate job creation; ensure that created jobs meet decent work criteria; and advance social inclusion. The session also addressed: bridging gaps in human skills and capacity in adaptation and mitigation sectors; enhancing the UN CC:Learn initiative, which, inter alia, includes national planning workshops; training teachers in climate change education for sustainable development in Brazil; skills development and training in using solar power in Bangladesh; and a citizen consultation on climate and energy.

Subsequent working groups discussed, inter alia: training and skills development for green jobs and low-emission development; fostering climate-resilient development through skills development and training on adaptation; and scaling up climate change training through international cooperation. [Publication: Summary Report of the 3rd Dialogue on Article 6]

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