21 January 2014
UNFCCC Releases NAMA Workshop Report
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The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the report from the first workshop under the work programme on further understanding the diversity of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries, underlying assumptions and support required for implementing such NAMAs.

UNFCCC17 January 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the report from the first workshop under the work programme on further understanding the diversity of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries, underlying assumptions and support required for implementing such NAMAs.

The workshop convened in Warsaw, Poland, on 11-12 November 2013, during the 39th session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and was divided into five segments, namely: overview of the agreed outcome on NAMAs and the status of developing country participation; implementation updates from developing countries; a technical overview of available information on NAMAs; an overview of support needs; and development of baselines and financial support for NAMAs.

The UNFCCC Secretariat notes that 57 parties and the African Group, or approximately 37.5% of all developing countries parties, have submitted NAMAs. Representatives of South Africa, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Burkina Faso, China, Armenia and Indonesia provided status updates on implementing NAMAs in their countries. Representatives of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risoe Centre provided overviews of information and support needs. On the technical overview, the following was covered: underlying assumptions and methodologies; greenhouse gases (GHG); sectors; and global warming potentials. On support needs, the following was discussed: the provision of financial support through a mixture of instruments, including risk management, grants, low-cost debt and equity; technical assistance and capacity building, provided mostly through grants; and investments in physical and technological infrastructure, through loans or equity arrangements.

On baselines, a representative from the Energy and Resources Institute said NAMAs could be categorized as specific projects, capacity-building programmes, sectoral programmes and/or economy-wide mitigation goals, and presented various approaches to baseline development, which depend on NAMA type. On financial support, a representative from the KfW Development Bank said: financial instruments used depend on the financing source, partner performance and project viability; support instruments range from highly concessional to non-concessional; and involving NAMA support providers early in a NAMA’s development is critical. [Publication: NAMA Workshop Report]

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