24 November 2011
UNFCCC Publishes Risk Management Workshop Report
story highlights

The main outcome of the event was the recognition of the need to further consider a number of areas and issues in order to enhance information sharing, deepen understanding and promote risk management approaches, including: enhancing information from developing countries on their challenges, needs and circumstances; and improving the quality and coverage of modeling tools.

UNFCCC22 November 2011: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a report (FCCC/SBI/2011/INF.12) on the workshop on promoting risk management approaches on the specific needs and concerns of developing country parties arising from the impact of the implementation of response measures.

The workshop was held on 21 September 2011 in Bonn, Germany, further to the request of the 33rd session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). The objective of the workshop was to deepen the understanding among parties of risk management approaches. The report summarizes the main issues discussed. The main outcome of the event was the recognition of the need to further consider a number of areas and issues in order to enhance information sharing, deepen understanding and promote risk management approaches, including: enhancing information from developing countries on their challenges, needs and circumstances; improving the quality and coverage of modeling tools, including focusing on countries with greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive sectors and a high dependency on imports; enhancing knowledge on technological options for economic diversification; and analyzing short-term risk management approaches such as insurance, financial risk management tools and stabilization funds. The workshop report will be considered by SBI 35 ,which will take place from 28 November-3 December 2011, in Durban, South Africa. [Publication: Risk Management Workshop Report]


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