9 May 2011: The UNFCCC has published documents for consideration by the 34th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA), which will take place from 6-16 June 2011, in Bonn, Germany.

Under the SBI, two submissions (FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC.3) on the synthesis report on the National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for climate change project have been published. These views are from Hungary and the European Commission, on behalf of the EU and Uzbekistan.

The UNFCCC has also published a document (FCCC/SBI/ 2011/INF.4) that provides information on financial support provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the preparation of national communications from parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. The annex provides details of the status of enabling activity projects, including preparation of the initial, second and subsequent national communications of non-Annex I Parties and the dates of approval and disbursement of funds.

The report (SBI/2011/4) on the 19th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) has also been published. The function of the group is to advise on the strategy for the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs). The meeting was held in Blantyre, Malawi, from 14-17 March 2011, and focused on developing a comprehensive work programme for the period 2011-2012, as requested by decision 6/CP.16. The work programme contains objectives, activities and expected outcomes. The meeting also resulted in the election of new officers.

Under SBSTA, the UNFCCC Secretariat has published a summary of proposed themes (FCCC/SBSTA/2011/INF.1) for the research dialogue meeting and the related workshop to be held in conjunction with SBSTA 34. SBSTA 32 noted the need to further enhance interaction between the science and policy communities by strengthening the research dialogue between parties and the regional and international climate change research programmes that is taking place under the SBSTA in the context of decision 9/CP.11 (research needs relating to the Convention). The document contains information on the approach to, and the proposed three major groups of themes for, the research dialogue meeting and the workshop, including the sources of information used in the identification of these themes. [Publication: Views on the Synthesis Report on the National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for climate change project] [Publication: Information on Financial Support Provided by the Global Environment Facility for the Preparation of National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention] [Publication: Report of 19th Meeting of Least Developed Countries Expert Group] [Publication: Summary of Proposed Themes for the Research Dialogue Meeting and the Related Workshop to be Held in Conjunction with SBSTA 34]