20 January 2015
UNFCCC COP 20 and 21 Presidencies, UN Secretary-General Publish Climate Action Agenda
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The Presidency of the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the incoming Presidency of COP 21 and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have issued a joint declaration, titled 'Lima-Paris Action Agenda,' with the aim of catalyzing action on climate change by State and non-State actors to contribute of the objective of the UNFCCC, in particular through increasing pre-2020 ambition and supporting the 2015 agreement.

UNFCCC14 January 2015: The Presidency of the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the incoming Presidency of COP 21 and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have issued a joint declaration, titled ‘Lima-Paris Action Agenda,’ with the aim of catalyzing action on climate change by State and non-State actors to contribute of the objective of the UNFCCC, in particular through increasing pre-2020 ambition and supporting the 2015 agreement.

The Agenda further aims to contribute to: closing the gap between mitigation action already committed or underway and science; strengthening resilience to the impacts of climate change; and scaling up climate action on the ground in order to advance sustainable development that will reduce poverty, promote economic prosperity, and create greater social well being.

The declaration stresses the role of cooperative action in supporting the long-term transition to low-carbon and resilient economies. To strengthen cooperative action, the signatories offer to: support the convening of leaders at different levels; continue engaging with private-sector and other stakeholders to scale up climate financing; facilitate uptake of high-potential policy options; showcase existing partnerships and non-State actors; stimulate new action initiatives that engage State and non-State actors; engage with key actors in assessing the impact of collaborative action to stay below 2°C; communicate on the benefits of climate action; and foster regional and sub-national activities for the above-mentioned actions.

In the Lima-Paris Action Agenda, launched on 13 December 2014, the Peruvian and French Presidencies, together with the Office of the UN Secretary-General and the UNFCCC Secretariat, announce the establishment of a steering committee to pursue the Agenda and report on its progress to COP 21. On 14 January 2015, the four actors confirmed their determination to work to implement the Agenda, informing that details of joint action would be communicated in the following two weeks. [COP 20 Presidency Press Release] [Publication: Lima-Paris Action Agenda]

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