UNESCO24 July 2014: A national consultation workshop on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD) organized by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Office in Kathmandu, Nepal, and the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) of Nepal was held in Kathmandu on 17 July 2017.

The workshop was attended by representatives from a wide range of agencies and interest groups, including the Ministry of Education, international organizations, NGOs, academia, several UN agencies and development partners.

In his opening remarks, Hari P. Lamsal, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Education of Nepal, emphasized UNESCO’s catalyst role in climate change education (CCE).

Participants considered the findings of a report titled ‘Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development: mapping of past and present CCESD activities and actors in Nepal’ by the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu, which reveals that coordination among various governmental and non-governmental agencies, development partners and academia in CCE in Nepal has been limited.

Participants also addressed climate change contents integrated into teaching and learning materials for science classes at secondary level, as well as curricula development at the academic level, both supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The workshop introduced UNESCO’s CCESD programme in Nepal, which is designed to assist the Government of Nepal in strengthening and mainstreaming CCE in its education system. A national survey on CCE, including a needs assessment, to be carried out by UNESCO and CDC will inform further capacity building activities. [UNESCO Office in Kathmandu Press Release on Workshop on Climate Change Education] [UNESCO Office in Kathmandu Press Release on UNESCO CCESD Programme] [UNESCO Webpage on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development] [UN Nepal Information Platform Press Release]