10 October 2012: The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation of Jordan, organized the Third Regional Consultation for the Arab States Region on Groundwater Governance. The consultation was successful in soliciting the perspective of regional partners on the current status of groundwater governance and on-going efforts.

The regional consultation, which took place from 8-10 October 2012, in Amman, Jordan, was also successful in clarifying some of the most pressing challenges and presenting some immediate needs. During the three-day consultation, experts and policy makers from Arab States region discussed how institutions can be better equipped to deal with risks and uncertainties caused by climate change, population growth, urban-rural tensions and groundwater pollution. The event also sought to build awareness on the need to institutionalize sound management of groundwater resources in order to prevent and reverse the global water crisis.

Participants expressed a deep concern about existing data and monitoring systems, calling for their upgrading through new technologies, equipment and staff training. This concern was expressed for both national groundwater aquifers as well as for shared ones. Several participants stressed the need for strengthening all aspects of the water institutions responsible for groundwater resources and enforcing existing laws, policies and strategies. Moreover, there were repeated calls for public awareness and education extending from the involved stakeholders to the general public. Other issues addressed included: educational efforts for decision makers; legal and policy reform; and assistance to help governments enforce existing laws before moving to efforts aimed at formulating new ones.

The regional consultation on groundwater governance is a fundamental component of the “Groundwater Governance: a Global Framework for Country Action” project. The final outcome of the project will be a global “Framework of Action,” which consists of a set of effective governance tools that will foster the evaluation of groundwater as key natural resource. The project is a joint initiative of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank, UNESCO, the International Association of Hydrologists (IAH) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) that addresses concerns over the depletion and degradation of groundwater in the Earth’s crust. [IISDRS Sources] [Regional Consultation Website] [Groundwater Governance: a Global Framework for Country Action” Project Website]