4 March 2014
UNEP OzonAction Issues Manual for Customs, Enforcement Officers
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The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Branch has released the third edition of the Training Manual for Customs and Enforcement Officers.

The latest edition - 'Saving the Ozone Layer: Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances in Developing Countries' - includes a focus on hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which are being phased out under the Protocol but are commonly used as both refrigerants and foam blowing agents.

ozoneactionFebruary 2014: The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Branch has released the third edition of the Training Manual for Customs and Enforcement Officers. The latest edition, which is titled ‘Saving the Ozone Layer: Phasing Out Ozone Depleting Substances in Developing Countries,’ includes a focus on hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which are being phased out under the Protocol but are commonly used as both refrigerants and foam blowing agents.

HCFCs, like many ozone depleting substances, are also potent greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the publication includes new scientific findings on the links between ozone depletion and global warming. The manual aims to assist customs and enforcement officials in their daily work, and through building capacity in environmental issues, seeks to encourage them to integrate environmental protection into their role as guardians of borders. [Publication: Training Manual for Customs and Enforcement Officers] [OzonAction Website]