July 2010: The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has issued a six-page brochure under the Pan-European Programme on Transport, Health and Environment (THE PEP), and posted the report of a workshop on sustainable and healthy urban transport policies held on 7-8 June 2010, in Skopje, Macedonia.

The brochure lays out the four goals adopted by ministers at the third high-level meeting on Transport, Health and Environment held in January 2009, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and to be achieved by 2014. It also describes the links among urban problems stemming from unsustainable transport, including: air pollution; noise emissions; climate change and energy use. The brochure sets out THE PEP approach of tackling issues of sustainable urban transport through communication and collaboration among the three sectors of transport, health and environment. It is available in English, French and Russian.

UNECE has also published on THE PEP website the report of the June 2010 workshop on sustainable and healthy urban transport policies, which recommended, inter alia, that international, national, regional and local actors work collaboratively to: establish a supportive national policy framework fully integrating air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, noise and other health and environment targets into transport and land-use policy; and adopt technical standards for vehicles and fuels, and rigorously monitor their implementation in public and private vehicle fleets. THE PEP is serviced by the joint secretariat of the UNECE and the World Health Organization ( WHO)/Europe. [The Brochure] [THE PEP Website] [Workshop Report]