eu-osce-unece10 July 2013: A project of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) under the Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) will assist Moldova and Ukraine in adapting to the effects of climate change on the transboundary Dniester River.

The project, titled ‘Climate change and security in the Dniester basin,’ is funded by the European Commission and the Austrian Development Agency. A workshop held in Chisinau, Moldova, on 9 July 2013, brought together stakeholders from the Dniester River basin to discuss ways to minimize climate risks to the environment, populations and infrastructure.

Participants also addressed the impacts of climate change on specific regions and sectors, as well as means of prioritizing those impacts. They formulated suggestions for increasing climate resilience, including addressing impacts on groundwater and runoff through water reservoir management, enhancing information exchange, and carrying out reforestation efforts. [UNECE Press Release]