11 August 2011
UNCCD Collecting Views on How to Organize Scientific Advice
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The e-survey is collecting views on four options: use of existing scientific networks; establishment of a new scientific network focused on specific topics; use of existing intergovernmental scientific advisory mechanisms; or the establishment of a new intergovernmental scientific panel on land and soil.

UNCCDAugust 2011: The Secretariat of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is conducting an e-survey assessment on how to organize international, interdisciplinary scientific advice.

The e-survey is part of the Convention’s efforts to implement the 10-year Strategy and to make the Convention a global authority on scientific and technical knowledge pertaining to desertification/land degradation and mitigation of the effects of drought. The e-survey is collecting views on four options: use of existing scientific networks; establishment of a new scientific network focused on specific topics; use of existing intergovernmental scientific advisory mechanisms; or the establishment of a new intergovernmental scientific panel on land and soil. Views are requested by 31 August 2011. [The e-survey]