SE4ALL16 September 2015: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative a “strong global framework” for implementing the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on energy (SDG7) to: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” According to Ban, who spoke with UN Member State diplomats at a briefing in New York City, US, on 16 September 2015, SE4All has created a foundation to support the goal.

In particular, he noted SE4All’s: mobilization of thousands of public, private and civil society partners; creation of a network of hubs; preparation of more than 30 developing country Action Agendas and Investment Prospectuses; establishment of the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform; mobilization of financial commitments; and ability to monitor progress through the Global Tracking Framework.

However, Ban also said that more work is needed so that SE4All “may grow and be as effective as we need it to be.” He highlighted the importance of a “solid long-term institutional arrangement” for the initiative, which will soon by housed by an international not-for-profit organization founded for this purpose called the Sustainable Energy for All Partnership. The Partnership will maintain a close relationship with the UN.

Ban expressed confidence in the recent appointment of Rachel Kyte, World Bank Vice President, to head the Partnership as its CEO and as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for SE4All. Speaking at the briefing, Kyte stressed that SDG7 can support the achievement of many other SDGs, “not least of which will be SDG 13” on climate action. [SE4All Press Release] [UN Secretary-General Remarks] [UN Deputy Secretary-General Remarks] [IISD RS Story on Appointment of Rachel Kyte]



Global Partnerships

