29 October 2010
UN-REDD October Newsletter Released
story highlights

UN-REDD Newsletter highlights recent workshops and activities on REDD+.

UNREDD Newsletter27 October 2010: The UN-REDD Programme has released its October Newsletter, highlighting activities carried out globally by the Programme on REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable use of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks).

The Newsletter outlines how the Programme has helped to develop maps that highlight areas where high carbon stocks overlap with important areas for biodiversity and livelihood benefits, pointing to areas where REDD implementation will likely deliver co-benefits as well. Another article discusses the multiple co-benefits of REDD+. The Newsletter notes that Gabon and Guyana have become UN-REDD partners, joining the nine pilot countries and 18 other partner countries. Partner countries benefit from networking and knowledge sharing through UN-REDD’s online community of practice, and can participate in workshops and policy board meetings as observers. Also included in the Newsletter are summaries of recent workshops: on free, prior and informed consent with indigenous people of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Panama in early October 2010; and, in conjunction with INPE – Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research, a training session for countries interested in setting up national satellite forest monitoring systems. A feature article on Paraguay’s efforts to prepare a national REDD+ programme is also included. [The October Newsletter]