unga17 June 2016: UN Member States reached agreement on a final draft resolution on modalities for the High-Level Plenary Meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants (HLM). The HLM will convene on 19 September 2016, in New York, US.

The modalities for the HLM were the subject of several weeks of consultations. A revised draft resolution was issued by the HLM co-facilitators, Dina Kawar, Permanent Representative of Jordan, and David Donoghue, Permanent Representative of Ireland, on 27 May 2016, and a final draft was shared on 15 June 2016. The final draft was then placed under silence procedure until 17 June 2016, after which it was announced that the modalities are agreed.

On time limit for statements, the draft resolution says Member States, Observer States and intergovernmental organizations and entities that have observer status with the UN General Assembly (UNGA) will have a time limit of four minutes during the meeting’s plenary (compared to three minutes in the 27 May version of the text).

On roundtables, the final text indicates that: round table 1 (addressing the root causes of large movements of refugees), round table 2 (addressing drivers of migration, particularly large movements, and highlighting the positive contributions of migrants) and round table 3 (international action and cooperation on refugees and migrants and issues related to displacement: the way ahead) will occur in parallel during the HLM’s morning session, while round table 4 (global compact for responsibility-sharing for refugees; respect for international law), round table 5 (global compact for safe, regular and orderly migration: towards realizing the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and achieving full respect for the human rights of migrants) and round table 6 (addressing vulnerabilities of refugees and migrants on their journeys from their countries of origin to their countries of arrival) will take place in parallel during the afternoon session. However, the sequence of the roundtables could be subject to modification, in consultation with UN Member States, the text notes.

Each interactive multi-stakeholder round table will “normally” be presided over by two co-chairs, to be appointed by the President of the UNGA in consultation with regional groups and with due regard for geographical balance, according to the draft.

In a footnote, the resolution requests the UNGA President to draw up a list of “other relevant representatives” of “relevant non-governmental organizations,” civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector who may attend the HLM and participate in the interactive roundtables. The list of proposed and final names will be brought to the attention of the UNGA, and where a name is objected to, the objecting Member State will, on a voluntary basis, make known to the Office of the UNGA President “the general basis of its objections” and the Office of the UNGA President will share any information received with any Member State upon its request. [Co-facilitators’ Letter and Final Draft Resolution] [IISD RS Story on Discussion of 27 May Version]