The UN system launched a “one-minute survey” to elicit aspirations for the future from people around the world. The survey is part of a consultation process that will inform the UN’s 75th anniversary in September 2020.

The UN describes the process as a “global reality check” and the “largest, most inclusive conversation on the role of global cooperation in building a better future for all.” It aims to gather the views of, in particular, youth and other groups not already engaged with the UN.

One format the conversation will take is a survey launched on 1 January 2020, consisting of five questions:

  • Overall, do you think that people in 2045 will be better off, worse off, or the same as you are today? (Choose one.)
  • If you picture the world you want in 25 years, what three things would you most want to see? (Choices include “better management of international migration,” “more environmental protection,” “more employment opportunities,” “greater equality between men and women” and “better access to healthcare.”) 
  • Which of these global trends do you think will most affect our future? (Choices include risks related to terrorism, health and new technologies; climate change and environmental issues; nuclear weapons; forced displacement; and breakdown of relations between countries.)
  • How important – or not – is it for countries to work together to manage the above trends? (Five-point scale from “Not important at all” to “Essential.”)
  • What would you advise the UN Secretary-General to do to address these global trends? (Write up to 140 characters.)

Users are informed that responses “will help improve international management of these trends, and put us in a better position to meet our aspirations for a brighter global future in 2045 – when the United Nations will turn 100.” In addition to the one-minute survey, the UN75 dialogues will include opinion polling in 50 countries, and artificial intelligence (AI) sentiment analysis including through social media, in 70 countries. The resulting data will be provided to inform national and international policies and debate, according to the UN.

The UN Secretary-General will present the ideas generated by the process during a high-level event to mark the UN’s 75th anniversary on 21 September 2020. The theme of this event will be, ‘The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism,’ as agreed by UN Member States in June 2019. This theme also will guide all other activities, meetings and conferences organized by the UN in 2020, including the general debate of the UNGA’s 75th session.

The UN75 global conversation was announced on 24 October 2019, and a toolkit to support each conversation format has been made available. [UN75 Survey] [UN Press Release]