18 March 2013
UN Global Compact Bulletin Highlights Local Networks, Advisor on Post-2015 Development Agenda
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The Compact has appointed a Special Advisor on Sustainable Development and a Special Advisor on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Business Ethics, with the aim of assisting efforts to incorporate the private sector perspective into the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda.

These were, respectively, Brice Lalonde, former Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Coordinator of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), and Klaus Leisinger, Chair of the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development.

March 2013: Among other events and activities, the latest issue of the UN Global Compact Bulletin: highlights the annual regional meeting of Global Compact Local Networks from Africa and the Middle East, held from 11-13 February 2013, in Nairobi, Kenya; outlines updates to align the Advanced Communication on Progress (COP) requirements with the Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership; and announces the appointment of Special Advisors.

In its March edition, the Bulletin provides updates on: the development of local networks, particularly in Africa and the Middle East; COP requirements; appointment of special advisors; the winner of the Business Leader’s Award to Fight Human Trafficking; and participant status in the Compact. It also highlights engagement opportunities in the Compact, resources and relevant events.

The update indicates that, as of the end of February 2013, 7,267 business participants and 3,726 non-business participants were part of the Global Compact. That month, 96 companies and 52 non-business stakeholders joined the Compact, and 18 companies were expelled for failing to submit COPs.

The Compact appointed a Special Advisor on Sustainable Development and a Special Advisor on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Business Ethics, with the aim of assisting efforts to incorporate the private sector perspective into the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda. These were, respectively, Brice Lalonde, former Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Coordinator of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), and Klaus Leisinger, Chair of the Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development.

Also included in the update is a call for nominations for “Sustainia100,” a joint campaign from the Global Compact and Sustainia, an international sustainability initiative, which aims to identify 100 solutions with the potential to significantly advance sustainable development. [UN Global Compact Bulletin: March 2013] [Global Compact perspective on Post-2015 Development Agenda] [Sustainia100]

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