26 October 2016: The Indonesian Government launched an initiative to provide access to long-term finance for projects and companies that stimulate green growth and improve rural livelihoods. Key partners include the UN Environment Programme (UN Environment), which hosts the Facility’s Secretariat, BNP Paribas, a member of the UN Environment Finance Initiative, and ADM Capital, which will act as fund manager.
The Tropical Landscapes Financing Facility (TLFF) will leverage public funding to provide access to long-term finance at affordable rates to support smallholder producers and other land users’ investment in sustainable Indonesian landscapes.
Speaking at the launch event, Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Chair of the Facility’s Steering Committee, described the new financial platform, as “a world’s first,” that can transform the lives and livelihoods of millions of Indonesians in rural areas. The Facility aims to provide a mix of loans and grants to drive renewable energy production, reduce deforestation and forest degradation, and restore degraded lands.
Elliott Harris, UN Environment, described the TLFF as an innovative vehicle to channel private capital to achieve a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including climate action, protecting biodiversity and fostering renewable energy.
Luc Cardyn, CEO of PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia said the bank’s involvement will help create innovative and collaborative financing mechanisms to bring private capital to scale, “… and with good governance and risk management principles to fund long-term sustainable development projects.” [UN Environment Press Release]
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