UN CC:Learn21 February 2014: The UN CC:Learn partnership released an e-learning course on climate change, which aims to educate learners on the basics of climate change.

The UN CC:Learn Introductory E-Course on Climate Change is available free-of-charge and contains six modules on: climate change science; international legal and policy framework for climate change; climate change adaptation; climate change mitigation and low carbon development; climate change finance; and planning for climate change. The e-course provides 10-12 hours of interactive learning, using a mix of different approaches including visuals, explanatory text, videos and quiz questions. Upon successful completion of all six modules in the course, learners receive a certificate.

The course has been developed and peer-reviewed through UN CC:Learn, a One UN partnership involving 33 organizations that supports countries in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is hosted by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). [UNITAR Press Release] [UN CC:Learn Introductory E-Course on Climate Change]