12 November 2018: Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), in collaboration with the consultancy Schlange & Co and Yale University, launched a survey to identify the degree of understanding of sustainability and the SDGs, and to raise awareness on the SDGs worldwide.

The Global Survey on Sustainability and the SDGs targets individuals and representatives of politics, business, academia, the media and civil society both at the national and international levels. It briefly introduces sustainability and the SDGs, and poses questions to determine: sustainability awareness; which SDGs are of immediate concern to the survey’s respondents and their family; and an assessment of the situation related to chosen SDGs within the “past 12 months.” It also includes questions regarding: actions through which sustainability is taken into consideration, such as buying goods and services, child rearing and education, voting, food and nutrition, leisure activities, transportation and mobility; and actors that should take greater account of sustainability and that should push forward for SDG implementation at the country level.

The online survey was launched in September 2018, and will be accessible until March 2019. Results are expected to be publicly disclosed and discussed with representatives of all sectors. [Global Survey webpage]



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