UNFCCC16 October 2014: The UNFCCC Secretariat has published a summary report of the third meeting of the structured expert dialogue (SED 3), which aimed to contribute to assessing the adequacy of the long-term global goal and overall progress towards achieving it based on the contributions of Working Groups II (WGII) and III (WGIII) to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). During SED 3, IPCC experts presented findings from AR5 WGII and WGIII and highlighted their relevance to both themes of the 2013–2015 review, which was followed by a moderated discussion.

Opening SED 3, which convened from 6-8 June 2014 in Bonn, Germany, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres underscored that the purpose of the SED was to build a bridge between science and policy. Recognizing that science is always “a few steps ahead of policy,” she emphasized that AR5 highlights the urgent need for policy to “catch up,” both in the short term to limit global warming to below 2 °C, and in the long term. She said the 2015 climate agreement should provide the basis for reaching a level where the “same amount of greenhouse gases are absorbed as are emitted.”

SED 3 focused on the 2013-2015 review’s two themes: the adequacy of the long-term global goal in light of the ultimate objective of the Convention; and overall progress made towards achieving the long-term global goal, including a consideration of the commitments under the Convention. Thus, the meeting was organized into four parts: setting the scene for considering the contribution of WGII to AR5; overall progress made towards achieving the long-term global goal, including consideration of the commitments under the Convention based on the WGII contribution; setting the scene for considering the WGIII contribution to AR5; and overall progress made towards achieving the long-term global goal, including consideration of commitments under the Convention based on the WGIII contribution.

Regarding AR5 WGII, the following topics were discussed: observed impacts and projected risks associated with various levels of warming; human interference with the climate system; link between socioeconomic pathways and climate change risks; adaptation options, needs, opportunities and associated costs; climate-resilient pathways; and the link between adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development.

Regarding AR5 WGIII, topics addressed included: transformation pathways and limiting warming to 2°C or 1.5°C; sectoral and cross-sectoral mitigation pathways; trends in the stocks and flows of emissions and their drivers; international cooperation on mitigation; policy, socioeconomic, equity and ethical aspects of climate change; and cross-cutting mitigation investment and finance issues. [Publication: Summary Report on the Third Meeting of the Structured Expert Dialogue]