United Nations13 October 2014: The Co-Chairs of the Friends of the Chair Group on Broader Measures of Progress (FOC), T.C.A. Anant and P. Cuneo, have invited National Statistical Offices to participate in a survey on national practices on broader measures of progress to complement Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and related indicator availability for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their associated targets. The FOC Group will report the results to the 46th session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC), in 2015.

The survey asks respondents to describe their country’s most significant initiatives to develop broader measures of progress to complement GDP. On the SDGs, respondents are requested to provide goal-by-goal information on whether their national statistical system produces data for at least one indicator that could be used to measure each target, as well as whether their national statistical office has data that could be used to measure additional indicators.

In a letter to National Statistical Offices, the Co-Chairs stress that “it is crucial that as many Member States as possible reply to this global survey.” They ask Member States to respond by 7 November 2014.

The survey is available in English, French and Spanish. [FOC Website]