1 March 2013
SLoCaT Presents Submission to Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
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The Partnership on Sustainable, Low-Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), along with the Bridging the Gap (BtG) Initiative, presented a submission to the Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in response to its request for input.

The submission addresses the mitigation potential of the land transport sector through wide scale adoption of a new policy paradigm in the sector and implementation of the Voluntary Commitments on Sustainable Transport made at and after Rio+20.

28 February 2013: The Partnership on Sustainable, Low-Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), along with the Bridging the Gap (BtG) Initiative, presented a submission to the Ad-Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in response to its request for input. The submission addresses the mitigation potential of the land transport sector through wide scale adoption of a new policy paradigm in the sector and implementation of the Voluntary Commitments on Sustainable Transport made at and after Rio+20.

The submission focused on workstream 2 of the ADP, addressing matters related to decision 1/CP.17 (enhancing the level of ambition during the pre-2020 period). In order to increase ambition to reduce land transport emissions, the submission underscored the need for an international framework and appropriate incentives, including financial ones. The submission also explored the mitigation potential of three linked strategies, labeled “Avoid-Shift-Improve,” which together would: increase access to jobs, goods, and services while enabling users to avoid motorized trips; shift the transport of goods and persons to the most efficient modes; and enhance efficiency and environmental performance of transport systems via improved vehicle, fuel, and network operations and management technologies.

The submission also addressed potential for the full implementation of the Rio+20 Voluntary Commitments on Sustainable Transport, and addressed the relationship of the Voluntary Commitments to the discussion on how finance, technology and capacity-building can be strengthened for greater ambition.

Finally, the submission identified ways in which the SLoCaT Partnership can engage with ADP in the implementation of its work program, which includes a special Roundtable or workshop on sustainable transport.

The SLoCaT Partnership is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative with over 65 member organizations and is dedicated to improving knowledge and accelerating action on sustainable low-carbon transport. [SLoCaT News Release][SLoCaT Submission to ADP][ENB Summary of the Doha Climate Conference]

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