slocat13 January 2014: The Partnership on Low Carbon Sustainable Transport (SLoCaT) held its 2014 Annual Meeting, which addressed the formalization of the organization, the SLoCaT 2013 Report, and the 2014 work programme and budget. Members agreed to formalize the organization by incorporating the Partnership’s Secretariat as an independent legal entity by mid-2014.

The 2014 Work Programme, which was approved at the meeting, aims to gain recognition of sustainable, low-carbon transport in the goals and targets of the post-2015 global development agenda, and in the processes of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It further seeks to promote the adoption of sustainable, low-carbon transport in developing countries and cities.

Members also approved the TRANSPORT DELIVERS campaign. The campaign, which will run through 2015, will be a centerpiece for the Partnership’s activities and pursue four outcomes: establishment of a $100 million Project Preparatory to develop sustainable transport programmes and projects; the strengthening of the implementation capacity for sustainable transport by training one million people; creation of a sustainable transport financing facilities in ten countries; and adoption of voluntary policy commitments on sustainable transport from 100 countries.

Members heard a presentation on the SCoLaT 2013 Report, which highlights the addition of 15 new Partnership members in 2013, bringing the total to 88. It also describes the Partnership’s communication and outreach activities, special projects, and financial report.

SLoCaT is a Type II Partnership and is hosted by UN-DESA, with regional focal points at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). It seeks to improve knowledge on sustainable low carbon transport to help develop better policies and catalyze their implementation.

The meeting was hosted by the World Resources Institute’s sustainable transport center (EMBARQ) on 13 January 2014, in Washington DC, US. [SLoCaT Partnership Annual Meeting Webpage] [SLoCaT Partnership Website] [SLoCaT 2013 Report]



    Global Partnerships

