September 2009: The UN Secretary-General’s report on “Climate Change and its Possible Security Implications” (A/64/350) has been released.
The report reviews governmental views and relevant research on the security implications of climate change, and indicates that the question is largely approached from a perspective of interdependence between human vulnerability and national security. Five channels are identified through which climate change could affect security: vulnerability; development; coping and security; statelessness; and international conflict. The report indicates that climate change is often viewed as a “threat multiplier,” exacerbating threats caused by other causes, and it identifies several “threat minimizers,” or conditions and actions that could help to lower the risk of climate-related insecurity. The report also identifies emerging climate change-related threats that merit the focused attention and increased preparedness of the international community.
The report was prepared in response to the request of member States, in UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution 63/281, for a comprehensive report to UNGA at its 64th session on the possible security implications of climate change, based on the views of member States and relevant regional and international organizations. [The Report][Member States’ Submissions]