14 May 2015: The Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative is set to convene the Second Annual SE4ALL Forum under the theme ‘Financing Sustainable Energy for All’. The Forum, to be held from 18-21 May 2015, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, will include the launch of the Global SE4ALL Commitment Platform, two-days of Multi-Stakeholder sessions and the first-ever Global Energy Ministerial Dialogue at the UN.
One of the main goals of the Second SE4ALL Forum is to grow the broader movement of global stakeholders to advance the UN Decade of SE4ALL (2014-2024), launched at the inaugural SE4ALL Forum in June 2014. Other key objectives are to: report and assess progress on the SE4ALL initiative; inspire action and solutions by sharing knowledge, innovation and success stories; and present new approaches to catalyze finance at the scale required to achieve Sustainable Energy for All.
On 18-19 May, Multi-Stakeholder sessions will cover ‘Innovations, Sharing Progress and Matchmaking,’ with parallel discussions on four core themes: finance, access, efficiency and renewables. Participants from government, business, academia, international organizations, international financial institutions and civil society will discuss a wide range of topics, including: SE4ALL Country Actions and related efforts in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East; off-grid electrification; renewable energy for islands; and financing energy efficiency.
On 19 May, an Advisory Board meeting will be co-convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.
On May 20, the Global Energy Ministerial will conduct a Policy Dialogue to reaffirm the Rio+20 determination “to act to make sustainable energy for all a reality,” with sessions on ‘Catalyzing a Trillion Dollar Investment,’ ‘Energy, Women and Children’s Health,’ ‘Global Action Agenda: Achieving Sustainable Energy for All by 2030,’ and ‘Strengthening Global Energy Cooperation on Energy’. On May 21, the Ministerial will focus on actions and commitments, with discussions on, among others, ‘The Future of Energy: A Global Agenda,’ ‘Special Panel on Monitoring, Tracking and Accountability’ and ‘Leadership Action and Commitments to Sustainable Energy for All’. [SE4ALL Forum Website] [SE4ALL Forum Agenda] [IISD RS Story on SE4ALL in FfD Drafting Session] [IISD RS Story on First SE4ALL Forum] [IISD RS Meeting Coverage of Second SE4ALL Forum] [IISD RS Meeting Coverage of First SE4ALL Forum]