se4all-ccef12 November 2015: The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), serving as the Energy Efficiency Hub of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, organized a four-day Global Workshop to Accelerate Energy Efficiency. C2E2 hosted the event with the aim of supporting the SE4All objective of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

According to C2E2, achieving this SE4All objective requires action by various stakeholders and at various levels, ranging from states, cities, policy makers, the private sector and financial institutions.

With this in mind, the organizers of the Global Workshop sought to bring together representatives of international financial institutions, companies and government agencies, as well as regional and country-level experts, and practitioners, to share experiences and strategies on how to address barriers, reduce risks and accelerate energy efficiency opportunities. The workshop also examined how related lessons could be aligned with many of the expected energy efficiency priorities of the forthcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December 2015.

Presentations by SE4All, C2E2 and UN Environment Programme-Technical University of Denmark (UNEP-DTU) representatives inaugurated the workshop focusing on, inter alia, challenges and opportunities to accelerate energy efficiency, and energy efficiency and Energy Day at the Paris Climate Change Conference.

The workshop agenda included two full days of presentations on topics including: global energy efficiency accelerators, including examples of targets, strategies and local-level engagement; energy efficiency finance; progress in energy efficiency in developed and emerging economies; and energy efficiency roadmaps.

On the third and fourth day, participants worked in breakout sessions to develop energy efficiency roadmaps for 12 countries, and, consequently, heard related country presentations focusing on Armenia, Belarus, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

The event took place from 9-12 November 2015 at the UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was streamed live via the UN City website. [C2E2 Press Release] [C2E2 Conference Agenda] [UN City Live Streaming Webpage] [C2E2 Website]



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