28 June 2018: Our World in Data has issued an updated version of SDG-Tracker.org, a resource for tracking progress towards the SDGs. The initial version of the tracker was released in February 2018.

Our World in Data is an online publication produced by the Oxford Martin Programme on Global Development at the University of Oxford in the UK. The SDG Tracker enables tracking at global, regional and national levels, across all 17 SDGs, 169 targets, and 232 indicators included in the global SDG framework. The updated version aims to provide a clearer understanding of the Goals, targets and indicators and the “respective data used to track our progress on them.”

A color-coded matrix on the site displays data availability for all 232 of the official SDG indicators. For SDG 3 (good health and well-being) 20 of the 27 official indicators have recent/good data available. For SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), on the other hand, only one of its 13 indicators shows as having recent/good data available. Users are invited to notify the project about data they may be aware of, and the matrix will be updated as data becomes available.

Announcing the tracker’s update, Hannah Richie of Our World in Data writes that the project aims to “support the UN in developing the most comprehensive coverage of how we’re doing in our progress to 2030.” The visualizations provided on the site may be freely adapted by users, data is available for download, and code written by the project is open sourced. Our World in Data is supported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation among other donors. [Announcement of update to SDG-Tracker.org] [SDG Tracker] [Matrix of data availability for SDG indicators]



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