18 May 2018: The final draft of a resolution on the repositioning of the UN development system, negotiated in the context of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review (QCPR) of operational activities for development of the UN system, was agreed by UN Member States following six weeks of intergovernmental negotiations. The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is scheduled to take action on the draft text (A/72/L.52) on 31 May 2018.

The draft was circulated for final consideration under the silence procedure on 1 May 2018, with an initial deadline of 4 May, which was then extended to 7 May. The resolution requests the UN Secretary-General, in consultation with the UN development system entities, to present an implementation plan for the inception of the reinvigorated Resident Coordinator (RC) system, including on the operationalization of its funding arrangements, to the UNGA before the end of the 72nd session.

By the draft, Member States endorse the transformation of the Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO) to assume managerial and oversight functions of the RC system under the leadership of an Assistant Secretary-General, as a stand-alone coordination office within the Secretariat, reporting to the Chair of the Group (the Deputy-Secretary-General). It further requests the Chair to present a comprehensive report on an annual basis, including on the operational, administrative and financing aspects of DOCO’s activities, to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at its operational activities for development segment. [Draft Resolution] [UNGA President’s letter on outcome of silence procedure] [UNGA President’s letter on meeting to take action on draft, and draft document for adoption] [SDG Knowledge Hub story on final draft resolution] [SDG Knowledge Hub coverage of UN development system reform]