ec26 March 2015: Energy from renewable sources met 15% of gross energy consumption in the EU in 2013, according to the EU’s statistical office, Eurostat. This figure compares with the 8.3% of energy consumption covered by renewables in 2004. Since then, renewables have grown in all EU countries, with 13 at least doubling their renewable share over the last ten years.

Sweden’s share of renewables is 52.1%, the largest percentage in the EU, followed by Latvia at 37.1%, Finland at 36.8% and Austria at 32.6%. Countries with the lowest share include Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and the UK, which have a 3.6%, 3.8%, 4.5% and 5.1% share, respectively.

The EU has a goal of achieving a 20% share of renewable energy by 2020, with each country having its own renewable energy target to meet the EU-wide goal. Some EU countries, including Bulgaria, Estonia and Sweden, have already met their targets, while others, including Lithuania, Romania and Italy, are less than 0.5% away from meeting theirs. However, the UK, the Netherlands, France and Ireland are 9.9%, 9.5%, 8.8% and 8.2% away from reaching their targets, respectively.

The EU also has a sub-target of achieving a 10% share of biofuels in transport. While most EU countries are approximately half way to achieving their 2020 objective, Sweden reached its target in 2013, the only EU country to do so, and Finland was close to reaching its target. Furthest from the 10% target are Estonia, Spain and Portugal, with less than 1% of renewable energy in transport. [EU News Story] [Eurostat Press Release] [EU Renewable Energy Website]




