30augsids30 August 2014: The Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) pre-conference Renewable Energy Forum, held on 30 August 2014, in Apia, Samoa, highlighted the economic, social and climate change mitigation benefits of renewable energy, while also identifying and showcasing policies, practices and experiences to increase renewable energy use in SIDS. The session will present recommendations to the Sustainable Energy Partnership Dialogue on 3 September 2014, which is part of the official Conference proceedings.

Approximately 300 participants attended the forum, which was organized by the Governments of Samoa and New Zealand, with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

During a high-level discussion, SIDS leaders provided their perspectives on the opportunities and challenges inherent in their countries’ transition to a sustainable energy future.

A panel discussion on mainstreaming renewables in SIDS explored options for accessing the capital necessary to achieve renewable energy targets, including financial mechanisms available for infrastructure investment. They also examined how to create enabling environments for attracting investments, and how to mitigate risk for financial investors. Innovative partnerships and initiatives were showcased and offered replicable case studies from a variety of global actors.

The Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP) was among the activities highlighted at the Forum. Kosi Latu, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), shared examples of how PIGGAREP activities have benefited local communities, such as by providing solar lighting in 50 homes in the Solomon Islands and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Kiribati through the use of biofuel.

SIDS leaders and development partners reflected on the day’s discussions, outlining steps and strategies required to accelerate the deployment of renewables, in particular, considering priority areas for progress, including overcoming barriers for renewable energy deployment, maximizing opportunities, and increasing the potential for new partnerships and innovative technologies.

The conference will continue until 4 September 2014, on the theme ‘The Sustainable Development of SIDS Through Genuine and Durable Partnerships.’

UN Member States called for convening the conference at Rio+20 in June 2012, noting that SIDS are a special case for sustainable development in view of their unique vulnerabilities. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [SPREP Press Release]