2 March 2012
Ramsar, WHO Release Report on Wetlands and Human Health Interactions
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Ramsar Technical Report No.

6, titled "Healthy wetlands, healthy people: a review of wetlands and human health interactions," was published jointly with WHO.

It focuses on providing advice to wetland managers and decision makers on the range of issues concerning wetlands and human health and well being.

1 March 2012: The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) has released Ramsar Technical Report No. 6, titled “Healthy wetlands, healthy people: a review of wetlands and human health interactions.” The report was published jointly with the World Health Organization (WHO).

The report focuses on providing advice to wetland managers and decision makers on issues concerning wetlands and human health and well being. It outlines three interrelated ways of approaching the benefits of wetland ecosystems for human health, namely: by recognizing the human needs that are met by water in its setting; by recognizing the health products that come from wetland ecosystems; and by recognizing the economic value of wetlands to sustainably improve their socioeconomic conditions, including food security.

The 106-page report aims to facilitate dialogue between wetlands and human health professionals in their respective efforts to maintain and improve wetland ecological character and people’s health. [Publication: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People: A Review of Wetlands and Human Health Interactions]

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