30 November 2012: The UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel (HLP) on the Post-2015 Agenda has developed a list of 24 “framing questions” for its discussions. The questions focus on: lessons learned and context; the shape of a post-2015 development framework; themes and content of a new framework; partnerships and accountability for development; and shaping global consensus for the goals.
A document dated 30 November 2012 lists the questions, which the HLP have been agreed will guide its work and consultations.
On lessons learned, the questions consider: lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); designing goals with maximum impact; global changes since the MDGs were drafted; future global trends; and priorities for poor and vulnerable people.
On the post-2015 framework, questions refer to how a new framework should address: the causes of poverty; resilience to crises; and economic, environmental and social equity and equality dimensions. Questions also ask about framework architecture, the role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the post-2015 framework, accounting for progress, time horizons and goal criteria, principles and topics.
On content and themes, questions focus on: capitalizing on MDG achievements in the post-2015 agenda; revising MDG elements based on lessons learned; including elements missing from the MDGs, such as planetary boundaries, financial stability, inequality, infrastructure and jobs; incorporating prosperity building blocks; and recognizing the challenges of persons in conflict and post-conflict situations. It also questions how to universalize goals and targets while being consistent with national priorities and targets.
On partnerships and accountability, questions include: encouraging partnerships and coordination among countries and with business, civil society and foundations; determining the specificity of recommendations on implementations; strengthening accountability mechanisms; establishing monitoring processes; facilitating goal achievement through inclusive global governance and transparency; addressing coherence among mechanisms, organizations and processes on global issues; and judging the affordability and feasibility of proposed goals.
On shaping global consensus, questions ask how to build and sustain consensus and how to ensure work is coherent with the intergovernmental Open Working Group (OWG) on the SDGs. [Publication: Framing Questions (Working Draft)] [IISD RS Sources]