11 December 2014: Peru, Colombia and Austria announced pledges to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) during the Lima Climate Change Conference. The contributions bring the total pledged close to US$10.2 billion equivalent from 27 countries.
Austria pledged US$25 million to the GCF’s initial capitalization. Andrä Rupprechter, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, said that in a subsequent step, Austria would increase its total contribution to US$50 million for the period 2015-2018 with participation from the Federal Provinces and the private sector.
Peru and Colombia announced separate US$6 million pledges, bringing the number of Latin American countries announcing contributions to four. Mexico and Panama made pledges at the UN Climate Summit in September and the Berlin Pledging Conference in November, respectively.
GCF Executive Director Hela Cheikhrouhou said these pledges represent “strong leadership” from Pacific Alliance members and send a “powerful signal that only together can climate change be successfully tackled, and that every new pledge builds trust.
In a statement, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed all pledges made to the GCF, including from developing countries. He expressed confidence that this initial capitalization: will enhance trust among Parties as they work towards a new climate agreement in 2015; and is a “down payment” not only on trust but also on mitigation action and building climate resilience in developing countries. [GCF Press Release] [Austria Press Release] [UN Secretary-General Statement] [IISD RS Coverage of the Lima Climate Change Conference]