owg_unga19 April 2013: The second session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was devoted to conceptualizing the SDGs and the SDG process, and to poverty eradication, and reached agreement on dates for the next two sessions of the Group.

OWG 2 took place on 17-19 April 2013, in New York, US, chaired by Macharia Kamau, Kenya, and Csaba Körösi, Hungary.

Addressing universality of the SDGs, delegates seemed torn between the need for simple, clear, “tweetable” goals like the MDGs, indicating this format was a clear factor for their success, and a framework that is not just “global in nature” but also “universally applicable to all countries.” Two main options were discussed: a common set of goals coupled with the adoption of differentiated targets and/or timelines calibrated to level of development and national circumstances; or a common set of goals with multiple targets and indicators under each (a dashboard or menu) from which countries themselves could prioritize when devising their own development agenda, in keeping with their level of development and national circumstances.

Discussions on poverty eradication focused mainly on whether it should be an overarching target for all the SDGs or a stand-alone goal; and how the multi-dimensional aspects of poverty can be captured in the new set of goals. On the latter, most agreed on the need to move beyond traditional income-based measures of poverty. As one panelist commented, the SDGs should leave behind “outcomes chosen for bureaucratic ease of measurement.”

The relationship of the OWG process with post-2015 remains unclear. One delegate commented in the sidelines that clarity on the relationship might be delayed at least until after the upcoming UNGA special event to follow up efforts made towards achieving the MDGs in September 2013.

According to the draft Programme of Work OWG 3 issued by the co-chairs, OWG 3 is scheduled for 22-24 May 2013, and tentatively set to cover: food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture, drought, desertification, land degradation and water and sanitation. OWG 4 is scheduled for 17-19 June 2013, and tentatively set to cover: health and population dynamics, employment and decent work for all, social protection, youth and education. Means of implementation will be included for each issue area. A revised Programme of Work for the OWG’s overall work in 2013-2014 will be released in the coming days, he added. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage]