26 September 2017: The NDC Partnership, a coalition of countries and institutions working together with the aim of mobilizing support and achieving ambitious climate goals while enhancing sustainable development, has developed an online database to help countries to achieve ambitious climate goals. The tool aims to contribute to achieving the targets embodied within countries’ national climate plans, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through concrete actions.

The NDC Toolbox Navigator is a searchable database containing extensive resources that aims to help countries implement their NDCs. Users can filter their search using nine key activities: understand the basics of NDCs; assess needs and capacity; establish institutional arrangements and engage stakeholders; collect data and understand current context; identify and analyze climate actions; evaluate potential development impacts and benefits; develop an implementation plan; finance NDC implementation; and evaluate, monitor and assess impacts.

The NDC Toolbox Navigator will help countries to benefit from sharing best practice and learning from their different experiences.

Within each of the nine activities, further sub-categories can be selected according to the degree of specificity required. The results can then be further filtered by ‘focus’ (region, sectors and topics, and scale) and ‘type’ (resource type, expertise level, language). As such, the tool enables users to generate a versatile array of resources tailored to their specific needs, from which they can find a specific tool for a precise task or develop a toolkit of options. The filters allow the results to be specifically tailored, for example to different levels of expertise or different regional requirements. Aimed at practitioners, a further element of the Toolbox includes ‘experience profiles’ through which countries can share their experiences in different aspects of policymaking for various targets.

According to the NDC Partnership, which is hosted by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the tool provides a unique, activity-oriented interface that will help practitioners enact policies to achieve their targets, overcome obstacles, and accelerate progress towards ambitious climate goals. Most NDCs contain targets but not detailed pathways for how they will achieve these targets. Since many countries are likely to face similar challenges when it comes to implementing NDCs, the NDC Toolbox Navigator will help countries to benefit from sharing best practice and learning from their different experiences. [NDC Partnership Blog][NDC Toolbox Navigator]



Global Partnerships

