21 December 2012
OECD Publishes Latest Green Growth Newsletter
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The OECD newsletter, "Green Growth Strategy," focuses on science and technology, a Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) update as well as recent events and publications, and upcoming events.

OECD18 December 2012: The Organization for Economic and Co-operation Development (OECD) has published its latest Green Growth newsletter, “Green Growth Strategy,” which informs OECD Committees and other stakeholders about the OECD’s green growth activities.

On the recently convened Green Growth and Sustainable Development (GG-SD) Forum, the newsletter notes that the Forum will continue to operate as a series of annual conferences or workshops, with next year’s topic set as: “Encouraging and leveraging private investment for green infrastructure and technologies, including through innovation policies.”

The newsletter also highlights the Organization’s publication “Science, Technology and Industry Outlook,” one chapter of which addresses green innovation and technology, and the priority placed on R&D activities and incentives for the diffusion and adoption of green technologies.

On the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP), the newsletter announces the second annual conference – to be held in Paris, France, on 4-5 April 2013, with a focus on private sector implementation aspects of green growth in areas of mutual interest to advanced, emerging and developing countries. Additional themes will be: Greening global value chains and Measurement and reporting for green growth. [Publication: OECD Green Growth Newsletter, December 2012]

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