15 November 2016: The NDC Partnership, a coalition supporting implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was launched at the Marrakech Climate Change Conference. The Partnership is co-chaired by Morocco and Germany and hosted by the World Resources Institute (WRI).

The Partnership brings together developed and developing countries and international institutions to enhance cooperation among partners, to better align global and country-led efforts, and to raise awareness and understanding of the available resources for finance and capacity building. The members of the Partnership will collaborate on creating and disseminating knowledge products, facilitating technical assistance and capacity building; and enhancing financial support for NDC implementation.

Speaking at the launch event, Hakima El Haite, Morocco Ministry of Energy, Mines Water and the Environment, described the Partnership as “a vital, collaborative platform for helping countries embed their NDCs into all sectors and all levels of decision-making.” He noted that it will improve private sector engagement and South-South collaboration and make donors more responsive to countries’ needs. Gerd Müller, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, added that the Coalition will pool the strengths and knowledge of its members to enable real partnership in addressing global warming.

The Partnership is “a vital, collaborative platform for helping countries embed their NDCs into all sectors and all levels of decision-making,” said Hakima El Haite, Morocco.

All countries and international institutions committed to NDC and SDG implementation can join the Partnership under the following guiding principles: support country-driven processes; promote long-term climate action; enhance efficiency and responsiveness; build in-country capacity; improve coordination; enhance integration into national planning; advance adaptation and mitigation; align development and climate change; and support multi-stakeholder engagement.

The Partnership also launched the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator, a searchable database of available financial and technical assistance programs for NDC implementation. The Navigator allows countries to search accessible support programmes for finance, capacity building, technical assistance and other types of support. The database also provides information about countries’ existing bilateral NDC support engagements to improve coordination. The Navigator was developed through a collaboration of the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Government of Morocco and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). It currently covers more than 300 initiatives and funds for NDC implementation in 17 sectors. [NDC Press Release] [WRI Press Release] [UNFCCC Press Release] [European Bank and Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Press Release announcing its Accession to the Partnership] [Mitigation Partnership Press Release] [NDC Partnership Website]



Global Partnerships


