6 March 2019: The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network has published the second in a series of briefs on aligning national policies and implementation efforts under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Such alignment, the brief notes, can increase the coherence, efficiency and effectiveness of the policy processes, while advancing climate-resilient development.

While the first brief provided an introduction to alignment, and focused on defining and presenting the rationale for aligning the three processes, the second brief titled, ‘Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development: Overview Brief 2: Getting Started on Alignment,’ describes the relationships between the three global agendas and different policy processes within countries. It explores the ways in which countries can initiate alignment by defining objectives, identifying entry points and putting in place enabling factors.

The brief recognizes that a number of factors will influence how, when and to what degree alignment can be achieved in a range of national contexts and policy processes and as countries establish national commitments to global agendas and climate-resilient development plans and strategies.

NDC and NAP alignment can help identify potential synergies related to climate-resilient development.

The brief discusses alignment across agendas, for example aligning NAP processes with DRR strategies, or alignment within a single agenda, for example, that of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) adaptation components with NAP processes. It notes that NDCs communicate the goals and targets that are envisioned for adaptation, while NAP processes elaborate the planning, implementation and monitoring of adaptation and the integration of adaptation into relevant development policies, plans and initiatives. NDC and NAP alignment can help identify potential synergies related to climate-resilient development, the brief argues.

The brief describes common approaches across the three agendas such as: efforts to link national and sub-national planning and action and vertical integration of adaptation and DRR across levels of development planning and implementation; inclusive multi-stakeholder approaches that recognize vulnerable groups; integration of gender considerations; and ecosystem-based approaches.

On creating an enabling environment for alignment, the brief emphasizes institutional arrangements and information sharing mechanisms as well as investments in capacity development. It acknowledges the need to ensure that institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms for alignment are fit for purpose and flexible to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities.

The brief also describes steps towards determining alignment objectives, including: agreeing on the degree of alignment, such as information sharing and ad hoc coordination or more formal coordination mechanisms and joint initiatives; and articulating desired outcomes, such as a planning framework to guide implementation of efforts under different agendas, a common monitoring and evaluation framework, and/or more efficient use of human and financial resources.

The brief presents an example of potential entry points for alignment across the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework for DRR, focusing on aligning NAP processes and DRR strategies. Among possible entry points, it mentions, inter alia: using established climate services that provide tailored climate information, technical advice and early warnings to advance DRR strategy development and implementation; and, when developing DRR strategies, ensuring that risk reduction measures integrate observed and projected climate changes over the longer term, as well as relevant actions identified in adaptation plans. The publication argues that the NAP process can provide an opportunity for adopting cross-sectoral and integrated approaches to link DRR and adaptation, and to mainstream both into sustainable development activities.

The next brief will identify specific actions that countries can take to work towards the objectives identified, focusing on NDC and NAP alignment. [Publication: Alignment to Advance Climate-Resilient Development: Overview Brief 2: Getting Started on Alignment] [Publication Landing Page] [SDG Knowledge Hub Story on First Brief]



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